
A novel gemmotherapy-based Secale cereale reinforced with chrysin/cyclodextrin nanocomplexes designed to reverse liver fibrosis/Un nou produs pe bază de extract gemoterapic de Secale cereale îmbogățit cu nanocomplexe de crisină/ciclodextrine destinat să inducă reversia fibrozei hepatice


Code: PN-III-P1-1.1-PD-2021-0327

The aim of this project is the development of a new complex product formulation based on chrysin/cyclodextrin complex and the gemmoterapic root extract of Secale cereale, designed to reverse liver fibrosis. The first novelty of the project refers to the fact that it is the first study to analyze the biological activity of Secale cereale root gemmotherapic extract, in particular for liver pathology.