
ISI (published)

Oana Matei, book review on Marco Storni, “Maupertuis. Le philosophe, l’académicien, le polémiste,” Centaurus, 64.5 (2022): 783-788, DOI 10.1484/J.CNT.5.132165.

Doina-Cristina Rusu, “Essay Review of Wolfgang Lefèvre’s book Minerva Meets Vulcan: Scientific and Technological Literature 1450-1750,” Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte / History of Science and Humanities, 46/4 (2023): 358 – 372.         

 Alexandru Mexi, “Indigenous and Exotic Plants in Early Modern Romanian Public Parks. Ornamental versus Utilitarian,” Scientific Papers. Series B, Horticulture, vol. LXVII, 1 (2023): 452-461.


ISI (accepted for publication)

Oana Matei, “Building an Early Modern Science of Vegetation. Nehemiah Grew’s Inquiries into ‘The Anatomy of Plants,’” Centaurus, 65.4 (2023), xx–xx

DOI: 10.1484/J.CNT.5.136359

Alexandru Mexi, “A Cultural Landscape of Castle and Manor Parks and Gardens near and around Bucharest. Case Study of the Catargiu Estate in Maia,” Scientific Papers. Series B. Horticulture, Vol. LXVIII (

Doina-Cristina Rusu, “The Abnormal Vegetation of the Torrid Zone: Juan de Cárdenas and the Defence of Aristotle’s Meteorology” – Centaurus;


BDI (published)

Alexandru Mexi, “Evoluția la nivel internațional și național a domeniului prezervării grădinilor istorice și peisajelor culturale. Congrese, dezbateri, convenții, charte, ghiduri și legi,” Caietele Restaurării, 12 (2023): 152-171.

Sabin Coroian, “Searching for the Soul of Plants,” book review on Fabrizio Baldassarri and Andreas Blank, Vegetative Powers. The Roots of Life in Ancient, Medieval and Early Modern Natural Philosophy (Springer 2021), Societate si politica, vol 17/1 (2023).


BDI (accepted for publication)

Oana Matei, “Merchants of Light and Lamps: John Evelyn’s Transition from Descriptive  to Experimental Natural History,” Perspectives on Science (forthcoming)

Article DOI:

Alexandru Mexi, „Greening the cities of Romania. A survey of the intentions, projects, specialists and nurseries in the 19th and early 20th centuries,” Acta Horticulturae ( ISSN 05677572


ISI (submitted and under review)

Oana Matei, „Natural and Artificial Life in Nehemiah Grew’s Discourse. Concerning the Nature, Causes, and Power of Mixture” – submitted to Nuncius, special issue Natural and Artificial Generation, Degeneration, Transmutation, and Resurrection: Gardens, Plants, and Fundamental Processes in Early Modern Natural Philosophy, coordinated by Oana Matei and Doina-Cristina Rusu.

Doina-Cristina Rusu, “Soul, Heat, and Form. Girolamo Cardano on the Generation and Degeneration of Plants” – submitted to Nuncius, special issue Natural and Artificial Generation, Degeneration, Transmutation, and Resurrection: Gardens, Plants, and Fundamental Processes in Early Modern Natural Philosophy, coordinated by Oana Matei and Doina-Cristina Rusu.

Alexandru Mexi, „Eastern European 17th and 18th century garden design and use. Case study on Constantin Brâncoveanu’s private estates” – submitted to Nuncius, special issue Natural and Artificial Generation, Degeneration, Transmutation, and Resurrection: Gardens, Plants, and Fundamental Processes in Early Modern Natural Philosophy, coordinated by Oana Matei and Doina-Cristina Rusu.


Coordinated volumes

Oana Matei, Doina-Cristina Rusu, „Natural and Artificial Generation, Degeneration, Transmutation, and Resurrection: Gardens, Plants, and Fundamental Processes in Early Modern Natural Philosophy,” special issue of Nuncius, accepted for publication.

Tinca Prunea-Bretonnet, Oana Matei, „Emancipation from Metaphysics? Natural History, Natural Philosophy and the Study of Nature from the Late Renaissance to the Enlightenment,” special issue of Perspectives on Science, accepted for publication.


Talks at conferences

Oana Matei, Particles, Atoms, and Natural Processes. Nehemiah Grew’s Conceptual Vocabulary in “The Anatomy of Plants,” The Anatomy of Vegetation: Plants and their Fundamental Processes in Early Modern Natural Philosophy, 10-11.11.2022, Arad online.

Doina-Cristina Rusu, Native American “Bestial” Plants. Degeneration and Amelioration of Species in Early Modern Philosophy, The Anatomy of Vegetation: Plants and their Fundamental Processes in Early Modern Natural Philosophy, 10-11.11.2022, Arad online.

Alexandru Mexi, Eastern European 17th and 18th Century Garden Design and Use. Case Study: Constantin Brâncoveanu’s Private Estates, The Anatomy of Vegetation: Plants and their Fundamental Processes in Early Modern Natural Philosophy, 10-11.11.2022, Arad online.

Oana Matei, „Artificial Mixture and Life in the Works of Nehemiah Grew,” The Anatomy of Vegetation II: Plants, Experiments and Experience in the Early Modern Period, 30-31.03.2023, online.

Doina-Cristina Rusu, „The Origin of New World’s Flora. Spontaneous Generation, Degeneration and New Species,” The Anatomy of Vegetation II: Plants, Experiments and Experience in the Early Modern Period, 30-31.03.2023, online.

Alexandru Mexi,Myths, Legends and Recipes with Indigenous and Exotic Plants in the 19th Century Romania: Simion Florea’s Botanical Collection,” The Anatomy of Vegetation II: Plants, Experiments and Experience in the Early Modern Period, 30-31.03.2023, online.

Alexandru Mexi, „Monumente istorice și grădini botanice: perspective europene de protejare și punere în valoare,” Grădini botanice europene, 09.05.2023, UVVG Arad.

Alexandru Mexi, „Indigenous and Exotic Plants in Early Modern Romanian Public Parks. Ornamental versus Utilitarian,” Agriculture for Life. Life for Agriculture, 6-8.06.2024, USAMV Bucharest.

Oana Matei, discussant at the international conference, „Intellectual traditions in the Deliberatio of Saint Gerard of Cenad,” 03.11.2023, West University of Timisoara.

Sabin Coroian, discussant at the international conference, „Intellectual traditions in the Deliberatio of Saint Gerard of Cenad,” 03.11.02023, West University of Timisoara.

Oana Matei, ”Plants as instruments of knowledge in early modern natural philosophy,”  invited talk at Egenis Seminar, University of Exeter, 18.03.2024.

Oana Matei, “Experiments with plants and the aggregation of a conceptual vocabulary in the early modern natural philosophy,” Mind and Science in the Early Modern World, University of Exeter, 19.03.2024.

Oana Matei, ”Natural and Artificial Life in Nehemiah Grew’s Discourse Concerning the Nature, Causes, and Power of Mixture,” Constructions of Sciences, University of Bucharest, 04.04.2024.