
One objective included in this project agenda is to organize a research seminar on the theme of the emergence of a scientia of vegetation in the seventeenth century England. Members of the research team will present their work progress within the project and international scholars will be invited to attend the meetings.


22.09.2022 – team meeting – administrative aspects

21.10.2022 –team meeting, Oana Matei Particles, Atoms, and Natural Processes. Nehemiah Grew’s Conceptual Vocabulary in “The Anatomy of Plants”

28.11.2022 – team meeting, Doina-Cristina Rusu, Native American “Bestial” Plants. Degeneration and Amelioration of Species in Early Modern Philosophy

09.12.2022 – team meeting, assessment of the first year of the project; common goals and individual tasks for 2023

19.01.2023 – Doina-Cristina Rusu, Juan de Cárdenas on 16th Century American Plants  (discussions on Doina’s draft manuscript)

08.02.2023 – Florike Egmond (Leiden), Towards the Tropical Seas of Europe. Depicting the Bolca Fish Fossils 16th-19th Centuries  (presentation)

20.03.2023 – Antonio Clericuzio (Roma Tre), Thomas Willis’ Corpuscular Iatrochemistry and the Corporeal Soul  (presentation)

27.04.2023 – project meeting- discussions about our manuscript drafts and the special issue of Nuncius – deligniating the general topic of the special issue

30.05.2023 – project meeting-  discussions about our manuscript drafts and the special issue of Nuncius  – inviting possible contributors

22.06.2023 – project meeting- discussions about Alexandru Mexi’s research trip to the British Library – presentation on natural history,  history of gardens, public parks, and botanical collections in modern Europe

28.07.2023 – project meeting – discussions about Oana Matei’s research trip to the British Library – Nehemiah Grew’s Conceptual Vocabulary in The Anatomy of Plants

31.08.2023 – project meeting – discussions about Oana Matei’s research trip to the British Library – Nehemiah Grew’s Representations of the Saline Principle of Plants

13.09.2023 – project meeting – Oana Matei, Natural and Artificial Life in Nehemiah Grew’s Discourse. Concerning the Nature, Causes, and Power of Mixture (discussions on Oana’s draft manuscript)

26.10.2023 – project meeting – discussions about Doina-Cristina Rusu’s trip to Rome – presentation of  the Tessoro Messicano

24.11.2023 – Christian Henkel (Montreal), Sturm’s Mechanist Account of Plant Life (presentation)

21.12.2023 –  project meeting – the assesment of the second year of the project

30.01.2024 – Doina-Cristina Rusu, Cardano’s Theories of Generation, Degeneration and Spontaneous Generation of Plants (discussions on Doina’s manuscript)

27.02.2024 – Sabin Coroian, reading group on Fabrizio Baldassarri and Andreas Blank, Vegetative Powers. The Roots of Life in Ancient, Medieval and Early Modern Natural Philosophy (Springer 2021)

29.03.2024 – Oana Matei, Natural and Artificial Life in Nehemiah Grew’s Discourse. Concerning the Nature, Causes, and Power of Mixture (discussions on Oana’s manuscript)

19.04.2024 – Alexandru Mexi , Eastern European 17th and 18th Century Garden Design and Use. Case Study on Constantin Brâncoveanu’s Private Estates (discussions on Alex’s manuscript)